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Site Appraisal / Site Feasibility

Advice may be required to determine a suitable access to a potential development site. We can advise on the location of access options including methods of controlling the junction onto the main road network (priority junction, roundabout and traffic signals). As part of the work we would check that an appropriate visibility splay could be achieved for the junction and check that the potential junction would meet local and national standards. We can tailor the work to the specific requirements of the site.

Please get in touch if you need site access advice to a potential development site. 


Accessibility Audit and Reports   

Accessibility Assessment is a key element that is included within a Transport Statement or Transport Assessment. Accessibility Assessments can also be undertaken to consider the existing and / or future travel arrangements for a building to inform a strategy to develop different travel patterns.

An Accessibility Audit will consider the existing infrastructure and facilities for travel by public transport, cycling and walking within the vicinity of the site. The assessment will also consider the locations that can be reached using the local road (and rail) network for expected maximum distances by walking and cycling.

If you need any advice on an accessibility assessment or you require an assessment undertaken please contact us.


Junction Capacity Assessment  

Capacity assessments of priority (give way control), roundabout and traffic signals junctions usually form part of a Transport Assessment or Transport Statement for specific peak hour periods.  We are able to undertake capacity junction analysis for you and if you want advice on how we can help you then please get in touch.


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